That said, I actually feel a little guilty about just how many things I won during the Sew, Mama, Sew giveaway. I am sure I entered hundreds of giveaways, as did thousands of other handmade craft lovers out there, and I won ... FOUR of them. In the scheme of hundreds, four doesn't seem like that many. But knowing that many of you didn't win anything at all, I feel a little bad.
But not so bad as to not keep the awesome stuff I got.
I'll share them with you in the order I received them. The first, amazing, giveaway I won was from Rochelle at Three Turns to Home. She has a really cute blog and I'm incredibly impressed with her idea (or I guess it was her mom's idea) to embroider ants on some napkins. Truth be told, I'm impressed that she made her own napkins and then embroidered ants on them. I have been intending to make a stash of cloth napkins since, well, since I began cloth diapering.
Her giveaway? It was even more impressive. I decided to use a picture from her website since I just wasn't getting a good enough shot:
I have already used and loved every one of these items. And the bag is impressive - it's been to the Y, to the beach, and to the corner produce stand where I bought 12 ears of corn and then walked home carrying them in her bag.
Thanks, Rochelle!
Congratulations on winning. I also one a few things.
FOUR things?
You are lucky.