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Friday, May 14, 2010

And so it begins.

Went to the farmers' market today. We weren't planning on doing much vegetable gardening this year, but our land lord proves himself to be more and more awesome every time we talk with him. So now we're planning a vegetable garden.

It's a little early in Central Minnesota. Spring likes to tease us. First we get weather in the 70's and then we get snow. We want to plan early, sometimes we do. Usually we regret it.

So I bought some marigolds and chives (I've heard they keep the bunnies away, so we'll find out if it's true), broccoli, and candy onions. We've already planted some peas and carrots ... and we've got strawberries in a pot inside. I really want to plant more swiss chard this summer, more green beans, and more sugarsnap peas than last year. Perhaps I'll even try canning this year.

I sure wish you could freeze tomatoes ... otherwise I don't think I'd be interested in canning.


  1. You can oven-dry them, but once you've tried canning you'll love it. And I'm with you on the commas! Thanks for visiting my blog.

  2. Thanks, Amy! I tried oven-drying them last year ... it was a complete disaster: http://cominguprosemary.blogspot.com/2009/10/tomato-fail.html

  3. hey, i hope you see this...just wanted to let you know that you won one of the prizes on my sew, mama, sew giveaway. hop on over to see! and please email me your mailing address. thanks! love your blog.
