This is a picture of the garden in the back of my back yard.
At the very back, you will find bee balm. To the left of the bee balm should be daisies, but the neighbors
This is a picture of the neighbors
They are great neighbors, and their garden never bothered me until I let it kill mine.
This picture is the garden in the back yard that is up against the house. I have visions of this being a garden full of picking flowers, but I am still learning as far as that goes. And some of the perennials I planted before this vision.
The flowers in the upper left-hand corner are either dahlias or zinnias (I always get the two confused). They were supposed to be the same annual I planted two years ago that grew up to my waist. I wanted to have lots of them throughout this garden. The person working at Linders told me these were the ones, but she was wrong. Next to the dahlias or zinnias is a day lily, two hostas below that, and some sort of annual I'm not pleased with in the middle. In the far right-hand corner (and cut off) is a tiger lily, below that black-eyed susans, and then another hosta.
Here is a full picture of the same garden.
You can see more zinnias or dahlias, day lilies, and hostas. It's been a long, hot, and dry summer. I've been watering as best as I can.
I'll post pictures of the front yard as soon as I take them ...
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